Steady Steps Balance Program
How the Program Works
First Choice Home Health & Hospice will provide a personal evaulation. If you qualify we provide instruction in a personalized therapy program that may include:
- Home safety evaluation and assistive equipment
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Teach about assitive devices
- Provide information about fall prevention
- Medical Social Worker
- Home Health Aide & Nursing services
Facts About Falls
- The Centers for Disease Control report that more than 33\% of adults 65+, fall each year
- More than 40\% of hospital admissions for elderly people are fall-related
- Falls are the leading cause of injury among seniors. 30\% of people who fall suffer moderate to severe injuries such as bruises, hip fractures, or head traumas
- Many falls go unreported due to fear of losing independence
How Steady Steps will Help
- Decrease the risk and fear of falling
- Decrease the risk of hospitalization
- Allow easier accomplishment of daily tasks
- Improve confidence while walking
- Improve safety in the home
- Provide further education